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  • Here at Ballston Spa School District we have a school motto Educating Everyone Takes Everyone.  Without the support of our community this would not be possible.  To the left are links to some of our community partners.

    BARC Utilizes ONLINE Registration
    The Ballston Area Recreation Commission (BARC) provides enrichment, sports and fitness activities for students who reside in the Ballston Spa Central School District. The goal of BARC is to provide low cost programs so that those interested may participate. This is accomplished through support from the towns of Milton, Malta, Ballston, and the village of Ballston Spa. BARC partners with the school district specifically on enrichment opportunities with the Saturday School and Summer Enrichment programs. The registration process and additional information are available exclusively through the BARC website or call 885-1634.

    BARC Swimming and Diving
    Attention Middle School and High School Students! Are you looking for something new to try? Have you ever considered competitive swimming or diving? Swimming is a fun sport where you can develop at your own pace and get into great shape. The BARC Swimming and Diving Program is also an excellent way to learn competitive swimming skills that prepare you to compete for the Ballston Spa Middle or High School Swim Teams. If this program sounds like something you would like to try we would love to have you join our team. BARC Swimming and Diving registration is available ONLINE

    The Ballston Spa Education Foundation
    Ballston Spa Education Foundation is a volunteer organization that supports the mission of the Ballston Spa Central School District by raising and distributing resources for educational enrichment outside the realm of the daily operational needs of the school district.  Since 1996, the foundation has distributed over $220,000 to fund educationally enriching programs at all grade levels. 

    Community Recycling Program
    The district's recycling efforts include the donation of recyclable paper products from community businesses and residents. Community members are encouraged to bring their clean paper or cardboard to containers at the Transportation Facility on Route 50. Pitching in is as easy as adding your clean paper or cardboard to the container. The proceeds from the paper are returned to the schools to support recycling efforts. 

    For a complete listing of Community Programs and Community Resources, visit the Ballston Spa Central School District Community webpage.