BAllston Spa High School PTSA STaff Appreciation will be held Friday 1/24/25. We are in need of door prizes and dessert. If you can donate either of these items please email
Our next PTSA meeting will be 2/12/25. 6 PM BSHS Library.
If you are interested in joining the PTSA as a member, please see the information below:
1. Go to (note: $0.85 service fee added by memberhub site)
2. Send a check made out to BSHS PTSA ($10 each parent/caregiver/teacher/staff and $5/each student - $4/member supports the NYSPTA) and a clearly written note with each member name, phone number and email address in a sealed envelope (labeled "To BSHS PTSA") to BSHS office
If you have questions or are interested in volunteering for the PTSA, please email